How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan
How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan is the most frequent asked Question. In Pakistan, now even in this digital era, still humans perform electricity bill readings manually. As we all know that in Pakistan, meter reading is a human-operated action. There are possibilities of discrepancies and human errors in the meter reading.
To make these possibilities impossible, and to avoid all such kind of errors some electricity consumers like to keep themself up to date daily. It is not difficult to Check your meter readings daily and determine the electricity bill before its arrival on the doorstep in print form. Checking meter readings also helps you to keep record of your electricity bill usage.
How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan:
The brief answer of this question How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan is describe here in easy to read form of content. To calculate your electric bill, you need to know the energy consumption of every appliance and every electronic device that is used in your home.
In a typical household, It is very easy to estimating your electricity consumption as looking at an itemized grocery receipt.
After reading this article, In the future, you may be able to determine the exact cost of running different appliances such as the dishwasher, washing machine, Electric Oven and TV for a whole month.
Although we are progressing towards modern and digital technology, but you would need to perform some calculations if you want to analyze the cost of each appliance that is used in your house separately.
How to Calculate Electricity Bills from Meter Reading & Manually:
If you want get the info about How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan you need to know the unit price rate, at different level which is called slab price. Now you have to see the price of the unit. The rates of electric units in Pakistan can decrease or increase, generating cost dependence. The price of electricity units increases with the increase in the consumption of electricity.
To understand this, Please go through this unit’s prices table. After this, you will understand the unit cost will not be the same for less or more unit consumption at different level in Pakistan. You can also visit the official website of IESCO for any other kind of Query that you have in your mind about the IESCO.
Unit Price In Pakistan:
Units Unit Price (Per KWH)
Up to 50 Units (lifeline) Rs. 7
51-100 Units (Lifeline) Rs. 11.68
0- 100 Units Rs. 15.75
101-200 Units Rs. 18.07
Unit Price For Unprotected Customers:
Number Of Units Price Per Unit (KWh)
1-100 Rs. 22
101-200 Rs. 32
201-300 Rs. 37
301-400 Rs. 43
401-500 Rs. 47
501-600 Rs. 49
601-700 Rs. 52
Above 700 Rs. 65

Price of Electricity Commercial Per Unit in Pakistan
Load Type Price Per Unit
Less Than 5KW Connection Rs.38.82 Per Unit
Less Than 5KW Connection Rs.40.26 Per Unit
How to Calculate Electricity Bill from Meter Reading:
In this era of digital world it is very easy to take reading from the meter. You now have all the necessary information to calculate your bill. First of all you must Take note of the reading from your previous month’s bill, then subtract it from the current reading for this month.
The result will be the amount of energy that you have consumed in this month. Next, multiply this amount by the rate per kilowatt-hour (kWh)that is at your level to arrive at the final bill. This is all about How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan.
In Summary:
First you have to Calculate your energy usage by subtracting your reported reading from the current reading to get your total kWh. Now Multiply your total kWh by the charges per kWh to determine your total energy charge.
Calculate Your Electricity Consumption:
To start, it’s very important to determine the amount of energy that your appliances consume on a daily basis. For example, let’s say you operate an electric motor for 5 hours each day, with a wattage of 3,000. Now You can calculate its energy consumption as follows:
How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan
Conclusion | How to Calculate Electricity Bill in Pakistan:
It is conclude from the above data that in this era of digital world it is very easy to get the record of your meter reading on the daily basis to avoid from any Kind of error created by the human being before the arrival of Bill on your doorstep. Electricity bill costs are rising day by day in Pakistan, but you can control them by manually reading and calculating the total consumption on daily basis. At this platform you will get the full guide about all the IESCO and all its Other kind of Quires. We have shared with you the best method to calculate your electricity bill in Pakistan. If you need any type of help related to the IESCO Bill Please contact us here.